LVMH Fashion Executive Edo Jao’s self-care ritual includes the most luxurious wellness products in the world, including WelleCo elixirs for mornings and post-workouts.
garconsworld.com took a look at his top shelf of nutraceuticals. Be inspired.
“I first got into nutritional sciences when I was a college freshman. Nutritional Science courses were the go-to for student-athletes so, in other words, the grading curves in those classes were ridiculous and that’s what drew me in.
It was during the introductory course that the idea of ‘food as medicine‘ was presented and it really changed my approach to wellness. Many people say “wellness” is a trend but it’s been around from Japanese Onsens and Turkish baths to 1970s gym culture, we’re really just updating what that term means. I’m really glad that nutraceuticals are making their way to the forefront of the wellness movement now.
Although the best way to get nutrients is from a balanced and diverse diet, the reality is that it’s not pragmatic. There are many nutrients and trace minerals that we can’t get from diet alone, and there are constraints to the level of certain Vitamins and nutrients we can absorb from daily meal intake no matter how healthy we try to eat. Also, every person is designeda little differently and processes food differently.
The first rule with nutraceuticals and supplements is to make sure you’re using bio-available food-based sources. You’ve probably read studies that say supplements don’t work or have adverse results but every single study that indicates these results tested with lab-made synthetic supplements.
That’s the other rule – since we’re working with plant-based foods in a concentrated supplement form, you really can’t cheap out and not goorganic. Detractors claim that organic is a meaningless term that just means expensive, but it’s a very ignorant assumption because only certified organic ingredients are pure enough to be free of the bad stuff like artificial growth hormones, radiation, drugs, GMO’s and pesticides.
When it comes to superfood-based powders and tonics, you really have to do your research and consult with a health provider who knows your body. In the same way that not every skincare product will work for everyone, there are definitely superfoods that aren’t right for certain people. When I first began introducing these raw, powdered superfoods, I was going off of the advice of editors and buyers such as the ladies from CAP BEAUTY. I was taking all the nutraceuticals that they were recommending and started getting nosebleeds and headaches which I never got before. My dietician troubleshot the issue and we realized that I was taking all these superfoods that were beneficial for older women which had the effect of overcharging my body. I was basically overdosing on the energizing herbs. In hindsight, it seemed obvious but I know that I’m not the only one who loses sight of common sense when trying to figure this stuff out.
So my gameplan is to take things based on what I need.”
For Mornings
80% of our diet should be plant-based and most people aren’t hitting this target which can manifest in numerous health issues. So if I want to reset and rebalance my body, I take WelleCo SUPER ELIXIR Greens which is a plant-based superfood multivitamin with organic greens that tastes like a soda. The ingredients in this are phenomenal and numerous (I think there are over 40 plant ingredients in here)making it a buffet of greens. This is the one to take if you’ve been indulging in take-out, fast food or a regrettable guilty pleasure.
For Workouts
I take bee pollen with my WelleCo NOURISHING PLANT PROTEIN after my morning workouts. IT is such a cleanly formulateD protein powder (no whey or dairy), and it tastes like a guilty pleasure that satiates every craving. These two features make it such a rarity amongst protein powders that aren’t known for tasting good or being clean. This has been a total game changer.