3 steps to curbing cravings
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Cake, chips, cookies and soft drinks… sure they feel good at the time, but caving to cravings only kicks our bodies into an acidic state which increases our sugar and carb hankerings.
Researchers at Yale University have reported that falls in blood sugar, which occur after eating carbs like sweets and fast food, affect the part of the brain controlling impulse. This leads to a loss of self-control and a subsequent craving for the naughty stuff.
Here is our 3-step plan for kicking nasty acidic cravings to the curb. For good.
Ramp up your daily intake of energising plant-based green foods, clean organic protein and complex carbs like quinoa, barley or brown rice. Work THE SUPER ELIXIR into your daily eating regime by simply adding two teaspoons in 300ml of filtered or coconut water every day. It’s your all-in-one, quickly absorbed wholefood multivitamin. Tick!
Every day consciously take 5-10 deep steady breathes and exhale out all the old air in your lungs. It helps oxygenate your blood and gives you an instant burst of energy. POW!
Include clean organic protein, like line-caught fish, legumes, nuts and seeds at every meal. Need a helping hand? Add our all-plant Nourishing Protein (in delicious chocolate or vanilla) that contains all 9 essential amino acids, oodles of fibre to keep you feeling full for longer, and digestive enzymes to support and ramp up a healthy metabolism.