5 Magnesium Myths

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It’s the mineral on everybody’s lips (both literally and figuratively) and today we debunk the myths that have been clogging up our customer service inboxes.


Our systems need magnesium for various bodily functions, like say, for muscle and nerve function, blood sugar regulation and bone health. Despite its undeniable importance, there are several myths and misconceptions surrounding it that can lead to blank stares and confusion. We step in – with all our wellness nous – to debunk those myths…and fast!


Myth 1: "All Magnesium Supplements Are Created Equal."

In reality, there are various forms of magnesium supplements available, each with its own absorption rate and bioavailability. For example, magnesium oxide is less readily absorbed by the body compared to magnesium citrate or magnesium glycinate.


Myth 2: "Magnesium Deficiency Is Rare"

Many of us suffer from suboptimal magnesium levels without even realising. Factors such as poor dietary intake (and a reduced amount of nutrients in our foods), medical conditions, medications, and lifestyle choices can all contribute to magnesium deficiency. Symptoms include muscle cramps, and fatigue, amongst others.


Myth 3: "Magnesium Causes Digestive Issues"

While it's true that some people can experience digestive discomfort, it really depends on your body’s unique tolerance. Magnesium tends to draw water into the intestines potentially leading to diarrhea or other issues. Magnesium oxide, chloride and citrate can tend to cause digestive issues over other kinds.


Myth 4: “If you supplement magnesium, you should supplement other minerals”

While magnesium supplementation is commonly recommended to address deficiencies or support specific health goals, excessive intake of magnesium can interfere with other minerals. Therefore, it's best to consult a trusted professional to ensure your levels are balancing out.


Myth 5 “Magnesium is purely for sleep”

As we’ve discovered in this article, magnesium is a vital mineral that plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health and wellbeing. Yes, it is helpful for a deep slumber but it is also plays a critical role in muscle and nerve function, energy metabolism, bone health, heart health, blood pressure regulation, blood sugar control, and protein synthesis.