#AskWelleCo: Is What I Eat Really As Important As What I Put On My Skin?

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Dr Simone Laubscher PhD weighs in on the topical vs ingestible beauty debate

Q: "I'm really focusing on my skin in the lead-up to my wedding day. Is my diet really as important as the skincare products I'm applying or the salon treatments I'm investing in?"

A: Because digestive health shows up on our skin, nourishing your skin from the inside out is integral to a beautiful complexion. Topical treatments are important, because they treat the superficial layer (or the epidermis area) of the skin. For longer-lasting and more effective results, you want to treat the dermis and hypodermis, which is best done internally.

Skin is the largest organ in the body and it's an average size of 2 square feet for an adult – so this mighty organ, like all other organs, needs to be nurtured from the inside. I usually suggest my patients adopt more alkaline than acidic habits, so make 60-70% of your diet alkaline foods and drinks. This means eat less meat, dairy, gluten, caffeinated drinks and sugar and eat more fruits, salad, vegetables, fish, beans/pulses, rice, quinoa and sweet potato.

Sometimes it can be hard to incorporate more plant-based foods into your daily routine so we suggest The Super Elixir™ to make it easy, or to give you that extra support. And of course, drink at least 2 litres of water a daily. Good digestive function also prevents breakouts that can develop on your jawline. 

Ramping up your intake of super greens like barley grass, wheatgrass, alfalfa, spinach and spirulina are all nutritional powerhouses that help to balance the acidity in your skin and the alkalinity in your blood. When that balance is achieved, your skin holds moisture and your cells function properly, giving you that radiant glow.

Here are five ingredients that encourage good skin health (and they're all included in The Super Elixir™)

Alkalising greens

These nutritional powerhouses balance the acidity in your skin and the alkalinity in your blood. And when that balance is achieved, your skin holds moisture and your cells function properly, giving you that radiant glow. Balanced and working together, 2 teaspoons of The Super Elixir™ daily is all you need to see and feel change. 

Horsetail and dandelion

The horsetail herb contains silica, long known to benefit your hair, skin and nails. Dandelion, another herb, promotes healthy liver and digestive function, reducing toxins in the body that would otherwise damage your skin. 

Aloe vera juice

This is a wonderful overall tonic for the body, from digestive to kidney support. The skin is often called the third kidney, so by taking care of the kidneys, you'll also keep your skin clear and limit dark under-eye circles.  

Grape seed extract

A wonderful antioxidant and therefore acts as a free radical scavenger reducing internal and external ageing.

Probiotics & prebiotics

Both supporting digestion and keeping Candida at bay you will greatly reduce sugar cravings have an excellent effect on acne and overall ageing.

Most patients feel the initial effects within a few days, but of course it will depend on your current toxic load for some will experience a detox effect immediately. We therefore say as a guideline to take the The Super Elixir™ for a whole month to allow any detox reactions to pass and so you move into feeling the wonderful health benefits.

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